
脉冲 (Pathways United for Learning, Service and Excellence)

脉冲是每年秋季举行的为期两天的会议式学生发展体验. Students attend 脉冲 in place of their regularly scheduled classes. 学生们 有机会深入了解他们的专业,并在个人方面得到发展 专业-所有这些都强调服务,成功和卓越. 

启动演讲者和一些研讨会将通过录音进行直播 available after 脉冲. If you plan to watch a livestream or recorded event registration for these events is not necessary. 事件 that will be livestreamed have a video camera icon next to their names. 


Tuesday and Wednesday10月ober 24-25, 2023



1  Customize Your Experience - Choose 2 Blocks!

脉冲提供三个模块,学生可以选择定制他们的体验: 开始演讲, 研讨会 and Serve Project. Students should choose to participate in two of the three blocks. 这些活动将为专业发展和个人发展提供多种机会 丰富,学生成功的秘诀,与行业领袖建立联系的机会, 认识新朋友,参观pg电子官网州你通常不会去的地方,玩得开心. 



粘土代尔, Professional Fisherman
8 a.m., 周二,10月. 24
Traditions Bank Arena in 汤姆·德雷克体育馆

演示将通过WSCC的YouTube频道进行直播,也可以使用 查看 after the live event. Oneonta students will have the chance to view the live stream on their campus at the Academic Center.

Registration is not required to attend the 开始演讲 in person.





Sign up for 车间s using the 在这里报名 link below. Students may not repeat a 车间 during 脉冲.

Full-time students are those taking 12 or more credit hours; part-time students are taking fewer than 12 credit hours. Some 车间s will be live streamed and/or recorded 查看.



选择参加服务项目的学生将通过课程注册 列表页面. (See 在这里报名 link below.) Space is limited to first-come, first-served 基础. 服务项目 listed on the Course Listing page are open to all students. Other 服务项目 may be exclusive to certain programs; check with your instructors about signing up for these projects.

Students should participate in only one Serve Project.


2  Complete Reflection and/or Class Assignment

脉冲结束后,您将被要求完成反思和/或单独 assignment associated with one or more of your classes. Please check with your instructors 看看他们会如何将这些内容融入到他们的课程中,以及是否有额外的学分 will be awarded for your participation. 

3  Tell Us What You Thought

You will be asked to submit a survey of your 脉冲 experience. Please look for this survey in your 脉冲 Information & Survey 黑板上 shell. 


Registration will be held from 8 a.m.10月. 2 ~ 10a.m.10月. 23.

重要的是: 请记录或截屏工作坊/服务的日期和时间 projects you regsiter for as a complete list will not be provided. Use an active email address on your form. 


不,如果你不亲自参加,你不必注册,因为你会的 not need a physical seat.

No, all of the events are free.


Students may choose any 车间 in which seats are availalbe; however, some instructors may ask students to register for program-specific 车间s.

我们强烈鼓励学生每年参加新的工作坊 在脉冲.


这些活动的链接将在本模块的脉冲 黑板上课程中提供 标题为在线学生资源:脉冲录音和直播链接 events will be available here.

如果你只在网上上课,你可以选择亲自参加 或通过观看脉冲主题演讲来参加脉冲 直播或录制版本,并通过观看录制版本的有限选择 我们不可能把所有的东西都录下来,所以我们选择了一段 of the most popular 车间 topics). 如果您计划观看研讨会和/或Keynote活动,则无需注册 在线. 一旦脉冲开始,我们就有时间上传研讨会的录音, they will appear in the 脉冲 黑板上 course. Please visit the 脉冲 黑板上 course after 脉冲 to view 车间s.

启动演讲者和几个研讨会将进行直播和/或录制 学生访问. Links for these events will be available in the 脉冲 黑板上 在线学生资源:脉冲记录和链接模块中的课程 to live-streamed events will be available here.



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